The 5 Best Pre Workout Drinks

Ok. It’s time.

You’ve put on your sleekest athletic gear. You’ve tied your sneakers tight.

You’ve finished your work for the day.

You’ve cleared your head.

You’re ready to sweat.

Best Pre Workout Drinks

But before you start your workout, what are you putting into your body? What’s fueling you up? Is it healthy? Does the energy last the entire workout? Do you feel good afterwards?

We’re here to help.

This is a list of the 5 best pre workout drinks (in our opinion). We also want to put an emphasis on natural pre workout drinks. None of those chemicals or artificial ingredients. The good stuff only :). 

1. Ultrafiltered Chocolate Milk

Yes, we talk about choco milk as an amazing POST workout all the time, with 20g of protein it aids in muscle recovery and repair, and contains electrolytes that replenish your body after a long workout.

But what if we told you that ultrafiltered chocolate milk was just as effective as a pre workout as it is a post workout?

With sodium, potassium, and calcium, UCM provides sustainable energy throughout your entire workout, plus if you happen to find an espresso flavor… you’ll get a solid boost of caffeine as well.

2. Coffee

This leads to our next best natural pre workout drink. Coffee. As long as you’re drinking black coffee without the artificial sugars and syrups, you can get a natural energy kick that keeps you alert during the length of your workout.

HOWEVER, too much caffeine can actually result in dizziness and vomiting, so remember to look up how many milligrams are best to consume for your body weight. 

3. Tea

Don’t want to drink coffee before you workout but still need a little pick-me-up? A lot of natural teas have high amounts of caffeine that will give you the energy you need to start moving.

The teas with the most caffeination are matchas, black teas, green teas, and mates.  

Best Pre Workout Drinks

4. Electrolyte Water  

This one’s obvious. Simple, clean, natural energy from mother earth’s favorite resource. A lot of waters out there today have added electrolytes, including: Smart Water, Essentia Water, coconut waters, and maple waters.

5. Vegetable Juice 

According to Healthline, “Nitrate is a molecule found in vegetables such as spinach, turnips and beetroot (31Trusted Source).”

Nitrate can increase blood flow, decrease exhaustion levels, and improve endurance.

Plus, you’d be getting your veggies....

Best Pre Workout Drinks

ANYWAY, the best pre workout drinks don’t have to have ingredients you’ve never heard of before. They don’t have to make your heart beat out of your chest, and they don’t have to cause a major crash afterwards.

The best pre workouts are natural, clean, and delicious.

So next time you’re looking for some pre workout energy, grab one of the five above.

Our fav has gotta be the chocolate milk, I mean, come on...

Now go crush that workout!


The Slate Milk Squad

Best Pre Workout Drinks
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